Sync with Your Soul Guided Session

5 Modules

Module 1 - Orienting - Weeks 1-2

 Before you can transform your life from one of living conditioned, programmed “shoulds” and “musts” to living the life you were YOU-niquely designed to live and making your YOU-nique difference ON-Purpose, you need a good foundation from which to work. We'll start with getting you oriented to your situation and gradually go deeper.

Module 2 - Clarifying - Weeks 3-4

After you’ve created a foundation from which to work in Module 1, we’ll further help you clarify your situation in Module 2.

Module 3 - Syncing & Allowing - Weeks 5-6

Now that you have a foundation, and a bit more clarity around where you are and where you may like to be, it's time to begin to Sync With Your Creative Soul-FULL Self, and allow life to unfold in its magical way. Your Soul is that all-knowing part of you that knows the life you were born to live, and is ready to create it in partnership with you.

Module 4 - Deepening - Weeks 7-8

Now that you have a foundation, more clarity, and have begun syncing and allowing, it's time to dig a bit deeper and flush out your biggest "why's".

Module 5 - Sync-Up with Your Guided Coaching Session - Weeks 9-10

Let’s talk.  Let’s each of us sync with our Soul’s, and connect with each other in a REAL conversation about where you are and what may be next for you. 

Modules for this product 5

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 Sync with Your Soul Guided Session
 $497.00 USD

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